Reports surfaced on December 9 that actor Song Il Gook and his triplets, Song Daehan, Minguk, and Manse will be leaving KBS2‘s “The Return of Superman.”
An insider spoke to reporters, saying that, “Song Il Gook and the triplets will be leaving ‘The Return of Superman.’ They have already finished recording for their final episode.”
However, the PD of the show was quick to refute the rumors. Shortly after the reports were released, KBS2 quickly released a statement saying that the actor and the triplets had not yet participated in their final filming, and that they are still filming for the show.
“There will be a day when they will leave. But, we have yet to discuss them leaving the show.”
The triplets joined the show in July 2014, and have received a lot of love and popularity through their appearance in “The Return of Superman.”
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