Daehan Minguk Manse: Brave Daehan 'Hyung' Climb Volcano Mountain By Himself

On the up and coming scene of "The Return Od Superman," the the big brother of the triplets, Song Daehan, trips to the highest point of Yongnuni Oreum, a parasitic fountain of volcano in Jeju Island, by himself.

Initially, Uhm Tae Woong, Uhm Ji On, Song Il Gook, and the triplets Daehan, Minguk, and Manse begin climbing this well of lava together. Anyway, when the wind gets to be stronger and stronger, they begin falling behind one by one and stress in the event that they'll have the capacity to achieve the top.

Incredibly, the one individual who continues moving in spite of the wild wind is Daehan. When he lands at Yongnuni Oreum, he says, "Daehan want climb far~"

He doesn't even show that he's drained as he keeps walking up the precarious slopes. "I think Daehan is all grown up," says Song Il Gook gladly.

At the point when Daehan at last achieves the top, he remains before a signpost and relaxed takes a gander at the landscape underneath him. He even takes out his cam and takes a trinket picture. Melody Il Gook arrives later than him and takes a charming photo of his glad little Daehan,

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